How much is a Food Truck/Trailer ?
This will vary greatly depending on a few variables; what county you are in, what equipment do you need, how many people are working in it....... Our base trailer may cost as little $35k and a base truck $45k. Check out our resources page to find the national average
How much is Consultation?
We charge for consultation by the hour. On site consultation is up $75 an hour, 60 hr over the phone, and via email around $25
Do you find the Trucks?
Yes we do, but we are willing to install a kitchen in your truck/trailer.
Should I buy a truck or a trailer?
This all depends on how you plan to operate, we do recommend trailers because they offer more flexibility.
Why does my County effect the total cost?
So far there is not a state wide set of rules for food trucks. Different counties require different amounts of water for hand washing, or a fire suppression system. In places allow you to operate without a commissary kitchen. There are allot of variables to building your food truck or trailer.
What is a commissary kitchen?
A commissary kitchen is a place to prepare and store your product. It is also the place where you clean/sanitize your equipment and fill your fresh water. Most importantly it needs to comply with your local health codes as it will be inspected.
Do you only make Food Truck/Trailer?
No we will gladly install a variety of interiors and amenities to almost any platform. Whether you want a mobile store or a tailgating trailer, we'll make it happen.
Why does it matter how many people I want to work in my .... ?
It is simple in the sense that it can effect the lay out of the truck, also it may increase the amount of water needed.
Why Does it cost $ 100 for a bid?
When you are building a mobile kitchen (or any other business), there are quite a few variables that will change based on what you want. When building these we carefully design the layouts to most efficiently us the space. The most glaring variables are 1. Electricity 2. Water 3. Gas 4. Heat generation. The first 3 are seemingly simple, but the simplicity is only skin deep. The forth Heat can make all the difference in what type and size of fan you need.
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This will vary greatly depending on a few variables; what county you are in, what equipment do you need, how many people are working in it....... Our base trailer may cost as little $35k and a base truck $45k. Check out our resources page to find the national average
How much is Consultation?
We charge for consultation by the hour. On site consultation is up $75 an hour, 60 hr over the phone, and via email around $25
Do you find the Trucks?
Yes we do, but we are willing to install a kitchen in your truck/trailer.
Should I buy a truck or a trailer?
This all depends on how you plan to operate, we do recommend trailers because they offer more flexibility.
Why does my County effect the total cost?
So far there is not a state wide set of rules for food trucks. Different counties require different amounts of water for hand washing, or a fire suppression system. In places allow you to operate without a commissary kitchen. There are allot of variables to building your food truck or trailer.
What is a commissary kitchen?
A commissary kitchen is a place to prepare and store your product. It is also the place where you clean/sanitize your equipment and fill your fresh water. Most importantly it needs to comply with your local health codes as it will be inspected.
Do you only make Food Truck/Trailer?
No we will gladly install a variety of interiors and amenities to almost any platform. Whether you want a mobile store or a tailgating trailer, we'll make it happen.
Why does it matter how many people I want to work in my .... ?
It is simple in the sense that it can effect the lay out of the truck, also it may increase the amount of water needed.
Why Does it cost $ 100 for a bid?
When you are building a mobile kitchen (or any other business), there are quite a few variables that will change based on what you want. When building these we carefully design the layouts to most efficiently us the space. The most glaring variables are 1. Electricity 2. Water 3. Gas 4. Heat generation. The first 3 are seemingly simple, but the simplicity is only skin deep. The forth Heat can make all the difference in what type and size of fan you need.
If your question isn't here it should be.
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